Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule. 这种言论会让人家笑话她。
How may this be, unless you first lay open to him the wound or trouble in your soul? 你要是不肯首先向他袒示你灵魂上的创伤或烦恼,他又怎能对症下药呢?
The Bible lay open at suitable place. 圣经打开着,放在一个适当的位置上。
We shall lay open all their secret plans. 我们将揭露他们所有的秘密计划。
Book lay open on the desk. 那书摊开在桌上。
Gaston got to his feet, sat down at the piano and began to play Weber's splendid melody, the music of which lay open of the stand. 加斯东站起身,坐到钢琴前面,开始弹奏韦伯的这首名曲,乐谱摊在谱架上。
The packet of cigarettes lay invitingly open. 那包打开着的烟诱人地放在那儿。
The letter lay open on his desk. 那信摊开在他的书桌上。
His books lay open on the desk when I went in. 我进去时,他的书平摊在书桌上。
Germany lay open to the Allied armies. 德国本土已暴露在盟军面前。
The coast was undefended and lay open to attack. 该海岸线未设防,很容易遭受攻击。
Their systems lay open to me. 他们的系统向我敞开了大门。
Remember to keep accurate records of all expenditure; you don't want to lay yourself open to charges of fiddling the accounts. 记住把每一笔支出都要准确记录,免得被人攻击说帐目混乱。
Don't lay yourself open to attack. 不要让自己轻易受人攻击。
He lay there, with his eyes wide open. 他有宽阔的胸怀。
He lay in bed with his eyes open. 他睁着眼睛躺在床上。
His yellow rags of shirt lay open at the throat and showed his body to be withered and worn. 从他的黄色衬衣里露出了他的喉结,显示他的身体已经干瘪而且衰朽。
She lay still, eyes wide open, listening intently. 她一动也不动地躺着,眼睛张得大大的,专心倾听。
His position could lay him open to accusations of favouritism. 他的职位可以让他蒙受偏袒的指控。
On a table with a green cover lay a number of open books. 一张铺着绿色台布的桌子上放着几本掀开的书。
Her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between them, a rosary. 她的双手摊开放在膝上,一串念珠松松地拿在手间。
To develop land and to lay out streets and open spaces for the purpose of providing housing or in connection therewith; 为提供房屋或达致有关目的而发展产业及设计街道与空地;
To perform the exercises in this post and see the results, you will need: a book of200+ pages that can lay flat when open, a pen, and a timer ( a stop watch with alarm or kitchen timer is ideal). 要做本文建议的练习,看到成效,需要:一本200页以上的书,而且打开时能平摊在桌面上。笔、计时器(闹钟或者厨房用计时器最好)。
If he does that, he will lay himself open to a charge of fraud. 如果他做那件事,他将很容易使自己招致欺诈的罪名。
Sheila knew that any sign of weakness would lay her open to further attack. 希拉明白任何软弱的表现都会让自己遭到更多的攻击。
There is the outlet, and I will lay it open to view! 出口就在这里,我要把它打开来看看!
Even though the packet of cigarettes lay open and was, moreover, of a very expensive brand, he took a crumpled packet out of his pocket and lit one of his own. 尽管这包香烟已打开放在那里,而且是一种价钱很贵的牌子的香烟,但他还是从自己的口袋里掏出一包压皱了的香烟,点燃了一枝他自己的烟。
This thesis targets to apply the data collecting system and computer automatic control to the process, so as to deepen the understanding of the law of process parameter change, and automatize the process and lay a base for its open application. 本文旨在将数据采集系统和计算机自动控制方法应用于液-固挤压复合材料工艺过程中,为深入认识工艺过程参数变化规律,优化工艺参数,实现工艺过程自动化,加快其推广应用奠定基础。
Seton Drainage and Lay-open Fistulotomy in the Treatment of High Complex Anal Fistula 挂线、瘘道旷置引流术治疗高位复杂性肛瘘
Methods Various curing ways can be used for patients with different condition, such as clean the wound, enlarge the wound of thoracic wall, close drainage, lay open the chest for check-up, stop bleeding, lung-repair and pericarditis drainage. 方法开放性血气胸并发其他损伤60例分别采用清创、胸壁扩创、闭式引流,剖胸探查止血、肺修补、心包引流等术式。